Monday, February 15, 2010

One Two Three: Movies...

I finally saw The Hurt Locker. Meh. Not impressed. The acting was fine and I thought the movie did a great job of really making you feel the tension more so than any other war movie I've ever seen, but the characters weren't as flushed out as I would have liked for such a character driven movie. It seemed to me like it was just a really tense hour and a half instead of a story and nothing really happened at all. If you were planning on seeing it, don't move it to the top of your netflix queue or rush out to a redbox anytime soon...

Avatar continues to pile up the money, earning another 24 million this weekend. It's already technically the highest grossing movie ever, though that doesn't account for inflation (in which case Gone With the Wind is number 1 domestically and may never be topped). It has now earned 2.35 billion. Billion. Billion! That's insane. This movie may never be topped...Valentines Day somehow wrangled in almost 60 million which is huge for an opening weekend of a chick flick, especially one that was so bad. I mean it wasn't awful, but it was bad, and I love chick flicks. It's like it was shot in a weekend with no rehearsal. The acting was horrendous all around (surprisingly though Ashton did a descent job and I didn't hate George Lopez like I usually do) and Jessica Beil looked incredible as always (why she would get cast as a girl who can't find love is beyond me), and Jessica Alba still somehow gets work despite being possibly one of the worst actresses out there. The best part about the movie was Bradley Cooper's button down he was wearing, the whole movie all I could think of was where he got it.

I can't stress this enough: go rent Moon. Please. It's the best acting and story you will see in any film from last year. I am a big fan of the Oscars. They generally pick a group of movies for best picture that are mostly deserving and usually the best actor/actress nominees are deserving as well but this year it's turned into the Grammys. Worst choices ever. Hands down the best acting I've seen from a male lead last year (and one of the best in many years) was Sam Rockwell in Moon. It's incredible. It's also the best directing as far as pacing and story goes though I'm not going to argue against Avatar winning anything. It might not be the best story or acting, but it's surely the best movie, special effects, art direction, and directing based on it's look and the response it got alone. If not for that, in my book, Moon gets every Oscar there is. Do not be dismayed by any Sci-Fi label given to it, it's just a really interesting story that happens to take place on the Moon. Do yourself a favor and watch it. If you don't like it, I would love to hear why so I can tell you specifically why you're wrong and I'm right.

Anyway, go big or go home.

-M, p, z & shredder

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