Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Health Care Reform: Part I

Recently there has been a lot of talk about health care reform. I'm generally in agreement with President Obama, and this is no exception. I have been getting emails from and moveon and the other liberal media sites I prescribe to, but what they fail to do is inform you of what exactly the plan is. I understand that right now there is no exact plan, so I guess what I'm saying is that I need a little info before I call me local representative and tell him to back something. I decided to do a little research and have not yet started but will inform you of my findings in part II.

Tonight I tuned in to the president's press conference only to find more of the same in the emails I have been getting. We want reform, we're just not sure in what way that will happen and we need your help. Obviously he has my help and my support in everything he said the reform will do, but will he be able to do what he wants and what shape will the new reform actually take. Well I haven't been hearing a lot of what the GOP thinks of the reform but from what little I do hear, they think it's not going to work. What I want to know is why they think this. Despite my rants and grumblings about republicans, they do believe in some things I believe in and I think health care is one of those that isn't necessarily an ideal of either party. Do I wish health care was available to all patients across the country for free? Absolutely. But at what cost does this come? Does this put a stress on doctors leaving them over worked and less able to perform? Does it put stress on the jobs currently out there working for health insurance companies? Would a mandate make it, in some cases, harder for the very poor to pay their taxes if there is an increase? Does a homeless person share the same benefits as I would?

These are important questions and I haven't exactly heard an answer to any of them, though like I said, I haven't done any research yet. Anyways, just wanted to see what other people think of it and I'll find some stuff out and let you know.

I'm out. As always, go big or go home. You may have noticed some changes in my sidebar - I've put some more links to help you kill time there and also you can now 'follow' me though I'm not sure what that means but I assume it'll send you an email when I write a new blog but if you're anything like me, you don't really need another update email clogging up your inbox - run on sentence over.

-M, p, z & shredder

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