Wednesday, September 17, 2008

McCain is Senile...

It happens to a lot of old people. They start to lose their memory. They start to remember things differently. They are unable to answer questions that they are asked and instead go off on some tangent about nothing related. It's like on the Cosby show when Dr. Huxtable would try and tell a story about something but inevitably it would end up about his days at Hilman and when he was a kid. So it doesn't strike me as odd that it happened to McCain. He's an old dude and that's what happens to old people. They lose their minds. You ask them a simple question and you get a ridiculous answer.

I stole this from that guy over at the Revue but it's worth a repost.

Recently though, he has gotten out of control. Remember back in 2000 how McCain wasn't crazy? I remember thinking that I hope Gore wins, but McCain isn't the worst that could happen. That was almost a decade ago. Since then he crossed into his 70's and lost his mind. This guy is over 70 years old. I don't even want my parents to work in the yard too long or do anything too stressful because they're old and they are a decade younger than McCain. He has gone senile. He forgot everything he used to stand for and has lost all of his principals. I used to respect him. Remember when people wanted him to come over to to the Democrats? People thought he could transcend party lines. But he stayed on the Dark side. He's kind of like Darth Vader. He used to be good but then got too tempted by power. Then he became everything the Sith represented: power crazy and loyal to people who only cared about money and power. Right now he is at the point where he cuts off Luke's hand. He's got Han Solo frozen in carbonite and we are all just shocked at what is happening. Hopefully the rest of this election process goes like Star Wars did and the good guys win, but so far we haven't gotten to the good part when he comes to his senses and he throws the Emperor (George Bush) into the main reactor of the Death Star.

Anyways, I'm out. Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder


Katie said...

dude- thank you. i feel exactly the same way. i try to pay attention and take a look at both sides, but bottom line: McCain is old and his judgment might be a little lacking. That alone, would give me doubts about voting for him.

if you haven't seen it, this clip makes your point excellently:

Anonymous said...

dude, the force unleashed is crazy frustrating and poorly executed, gameplaywise, but fuck me if the story isn't hecka (excuse the california-ism (or don't excuse it, see if i care)) good. have you played it yet? the dark side rules.