So after many months of having Netflix, I finally had my first one go missing. I don't mean that I lost it, but that it got lost. In the mail. Or so they say. It was supposed to be here on saturday and is never late. Yesterday one came. Alone. So I got online to see what they would do about it and how much I would have to pay.
It turns out this happens. I don't have to pay anything. They apologized and sent a replacement. I love Netflix. But also I wondered, how many people do this? It seems like if you see a movie you love love love and don't want to return you can just say it never came. I mean, all they will do is send a replacement. What is strange is that they don't seem to care that people probably do this. They kind of encourage it actually. Instead of sending a replacement dvd of the one that never came, you can just have them send you the next one in your queue. As if to say, "hey we know you stole our shit, but hazaa! we don't care! We'll send you the next one in your queue because we are just that awesome!"
Since Netflix aren't paying me to say this I will also say something bad about them. If you have a Mac, you can't watch movies online through their site. Part of the package that I have allows me to watch unlimited movies they have on their site online, but alas, it only works with PCs. How about catering to the increasingly large amount of Mac owners and help some people kill time.
It also got me thinking about things getting lost in the mail. Does that still happen? My brother's computer he ordered from Apple got "lost in the mail" but that was clearly stolen. You would think that with the increasing number of people not using mail (when was the last time you sent a letter (not counting cards) and not an email?) the post office would be doing all they can to stay afloat. But for some reason the price of stamps is increasing still and plus you have to go to the post office. I'd actually rather communicate without getting out of bed thank you very much.
As always, go big...
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - If you like movies, get netflix. It really is pretty awesome.
Yeah, Netflix effing rules. Have you seen The King of Kong, yet? That shit is awesome. I misted up a bit at the end.
Also, I have a job now working at an... apartment complex, excuse me, community. My life is one long series of rent checks.
PSS, My new nickname for RJ is: Rudolfo-Blowsay Quiambao. That nicknamed is already added to GayJay, RGay, and Rudy the Clown-Fucker (we don't actually call him a clown-fucker).
Have you tried watching the movies on your Mac through IE instead of Safari? That might work for you.
Bill - I like RJ's new name. Seriously? Apartment community? What happened to being a free slave for that travel writing place.
Nate - They actually won't even let you try if you have a Mac. It's for PC's only. Bill Gates must own Netflix is my only guess.
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