I'm glad Davidson won. I love upsets. I'm glad U-Conn lost. I had both of them and Duke in the final four in at least one of my brackets but I still don't care. I love when the underdog wins. That's what the Madness is all about. Rooting for the underdog. I have always taken the first day of the tournament off from whatever I'm doing and sit and watch all day. This year the only reason I did was because State played at 12:30 and I had to watch that. I am pretty sure though that if we ever lose it'll not only be the end of their tournament but mine as well. If it's not State then I could care less who wins.
Anyways, just rambling but I'm not sure if this means that I'm just over March Madness or this is a stage of growing up when you stop caring about things that really don't matter at all. Maybe a little of both. As always, go big or go home...
Go Green!
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps - Anyone have any tips on working out lower abs? I've tried many things but can't seem to do anything that works them out really well.
"Anyone have any tips on working out lower abs?"
Watch more March Madness.
leg lifts. also, stop eating garbage everyday.
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