I just read this article in the Times about people voting for candidates based on whether or not they could win the general election rather than the issues. Unfortunately, I've found myself doing the same thing. I have been on the fence between Obama and Clinton for quite some time now. Obama has all the rhetoric and idealism of Bobby Kennedy and that is really inspiring, however I'm not sure that he could win a general election over a Republican based on his name and color; sad but true. Clinton on the other hand is also a great candidate, probably the most qualified and clearly a very strong woman and while she does inspire she doesn't have that idealism that Obama has. That may be due to the fact that she knows better, but there is something so wonderfully Jimmy Stewart a la Mr. Smith Goes to Washington that I see in Obama that makes it hard not to want to vote for him. What could happen if he was president? What would he be able to change? How much could it forever alter politics? These are things that I don't wonder about Clinton. I know she will be a great president and the world would be a better place if she was, but I also know there are limits to the change that she would bring. She does not have drastic changes, just your run of the mill Democratic views. Universal health care, higher taxes on the uber rich, better education etc.
I guess my point is that I wish it were possible to not worry about someone losing to an ass clown like Mitt Romney, who for all intents and purposes represents the interests of 80 year old racist redneck millionaires in Texas, much like Bush only more conservative. I don't think I'd be able to live in the states under another abomination of a president. Bush, for all his flaws and how much I hate him, isn't a bad person. A terrible president making terrible mistakes, but I don't think he particularly enjoys knowing that it's his fault thousands of people are dying in what will be the next cold war. I'm not so sure about Romney though. He might just be evil. If politics were just about the issues and who represented the best interests of the country, then everything would be okay.
I would like to vote for Obama but I'll probably vote for Clinton and hope that Obama is either her pick for VP or he runs again in 4 or 8 years. I just don't want another republican ruining this country. Anyways, I hope everyone has registered. The primaries are coming up very soon. I know I mentioned before that I would talk about the issues more and I never did but now that it's crunch time I'm gonna start to so hopefully you can figure out who you want to vote for if you don't already know.
I guess I'm on a blogging tear the last couple days. Be sure and check out www.ibodera.blogspot.com as I'll be splitting time between these two blogs. As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Go big or go home. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it. Life's short, live large.
-M, p,z & shredder
oh ps - Please tell me someone took my advice and watched Carpoolers last night? It was hilarious, like the funniest episode of a sitcom not on HBO in forever.
I've always said the best reason not to vote for Obama is that he'll be back next time around. You can't say that about Hillary.
I hope you're registered in Michigan instead of New York, since that's where the battle for the general will really be fought. In fact, maybe you should register in Ohio.
I didn't watch Carpoolers last night, but I watched it last week with Rebecca "Mystique" Romijn. I enjoy the show, but there are ways I'd rather spend my nights. I usually try to catch them on my PC when I'm eating lunch during the week.
vote for obama dude- i had the same debate going in my head, but i saw his speech the other day and he was on fire. romney won't win- i just don't believe that.
uh ok - i just finished watching hardball, and i see your point. . giuliani is running second in iowa, new hampshire, etc...i really hate mitt romney and you're right, he could very well be evil. i like hilary- she's pretty good, whatever. I think I'll still go for Obama but I totally see your point. btw- MI is state with open primaries, isn't it? can you vote in both dem and repub?
Hillary? seriously? Not for me. That's all I can I think of to say right now.
I feel you, Marty. It works out like this:
If America elects yet another Republican, it will finally be time to become an ex-Pat.
Romney is a Moro(m)on though...I think that will muck it up for him. I definitely want to vote Obama all the way...but I do worry about how he would do in a general election. Though, if ever there were a time to elect him, might it be easiest now with Republican support at an all time low? I don't know. I just can't live in this country if we elect another Repub.
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