So I was convinced to go to the Tonys and stand outside while the celebs poured in from their shiny black cars and I'm really glad I did. It was pretty fun and I exponentially increased the number of celeb spottings in the city, though I'm not going to count this in my day to day sightings. We were standing right where they get out of their cars and make their way on to the red carpet - so close that Ethan Hawke almost elbowed me in the face. Not really, but he was within arms reach as you can see by the picture. Among the other notables I saw were Christina Applegate looking hotter than ever (she gets the best dressed award for this night), NPH, Zach Braff (the highlight of my night) Billy Crudup and pretty much every presenter there.
Speaking of highly fashionable, I got a new hat. It changes who I am as a person. It is probably the most outlandish thing I have ever purchased that I actually think looks good. Anyways you be the judge, the gay guy who sold it to me seemed to think it looked very good on me...
Anyways I'll blog again in a day or two. Lots of things to talk about. As always get your feet off the ground yadda yadda...
hallelujah hollaback
-M, p & z
oh ps - a special picture for Muki and Sameer (if anyone else gets the joke you must comment) Here's a hint: "You think I want this?! It...just...hap-pened...!
I enjoy the hat...but not as much as Nate's linen shorts.
I kept my mouth shut 'cause I totally knew that was coming.
Spurs, baby.
F the spurs and the cavs and the nba and espescially the pistons. Sorry about the shorts nate but come on, you did return them right?
Some girl at the bar the other night told me she liked my hat a lot so that was nice.
Anyone else get the bonus picture?
I'm wearing them right now...and I've never felt sexier.
Hahahaha. Touche...
(pretty much laughed out loud nonstop for 30 seconds!) da a bigger man den me!
Hey man, Im in North Carolina right now and will likely be in new york in october.
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