First, last Saturday I woke up mad as hell. I have never in my life been more angry in the morning as I was then. It was as if all the forces in the world were teaming up to ensure that I was going to have a terrible hangover. The night before was the birthday celebration of a friend of mine and we went to some rock club that had elevated stripper poles and for those of you who know my bad habit of freaking out when I hear and Michael Jackson song at a bar, you can imagine what followed. Anyways, I woke up to what sounded like Transformers having a battle royale right outside my window but in fact it was a giant saw cutting up the road. Literally right outside my window. This went on pretty much from 6-10 making it impossible to enjoy any part of the morning. Whoever invented this giant saw needs to live where I do. I swear it's like a testing ground for these bohemouth saws, garbage compactors and jackhammers. Here is a picture in case you don't believe me (taken from my bed).
Secondly, thank god for retro. When I was growing up there was nothing that could have made 9 year old me happier than a pair of reebok Pumps. All the cool kids had them and more than that, they were a shoe with a built in pump so they could be as comfortable as you wanted them to be. My mom is a little on the frugal side when it comes to shoes, so I ended up with the knock off TJ Maxx variety with the bright orange hard plastic fake pump, that didn't actually pump. Well good news for me that now retro is cool and my dreams can be fulfilled with the new limited edition pumps. I mean who would have thought childhood dreams are retro...
Taking a little vacay, may blog during but likely I won't. Catch you on the flip side and stuff...yadda yadda go big.
-M, p & z
oh ps - the shoes are as comfortable as I had always imagined...
yo, don't start shit with the construction workers whatever you do. that chick that wrote and directed 'waitress' did that shit and was murdered by the blue collar she yelled at.
yo, i saw your cousin yesterday. erm, he might be your cousin; to be honest, i don't really remember your exact relation to him but india has such a small population that you must all be related on some level, right?
anyway, i asked him if he was finishing up his degree in engineering without him telling me what he was actually studying. does that make me a racist? do people in new york assume that you're in med-school? do you like to lie and tell people that you are? sometimes i lie and tell people i'm studying to be a teacher.
i am NOT high right now. i am just incredibly bored at work.
yo, i went to see a flick at the DIA over the weekend that i initially thought was going to be a mockumentary, which then turned out to be a documentary and eventually ending up as a ROCKumentary. it's called "air guitar nation". highly recommended.
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