Well I guess it's been a little while since I last blogged but I suppose that is attributed to the fact that I haven't been doing much. The weather has been extremely fantastic lately and I have been trying to get out and enjoy it, still staying true to my new Carpe Diem motto. Anyways, I haven't really carpe'd much except for a picnic table I stole and put in my yard. I just have a few things to talk about and then I will leave you for today.
First and foremost, is this guy:

Well his name is Adnan. He used to be my number 1 fan. He would always tell me how much he loved my blog (by always I mean twice when he was drunk at a wedding.) Why do you care about him? Because he was the first subscriber to my blog. He beat all you suckas to the punch and whenever I blogged I would always think in the back of my head that even if everyone hates my blog, at least I have him. Well, somewhere along the way he lost interest. I was saddened one day to glance upon my list of subscribers and saw that his name was absent. I then left a testimonial on his friendster page wondering what happened, but he did not even accept that. Adnan, please come back. The blog is lame without you. I will give you one week to leave a comment, after that I turn my back and you will be the Magneto to my Professor X.
Next up is American Idol. The show really knows how to get under your skin doesn't it. I watch it because Jordon is kind enough to keep me company during every single Pistons game and the least I could do is listen to Simon tell some people how much they suck. Anyways tonight that ruined my favortie Queen song, and I will never feel the same way about the show. Other than that, to weigh in a little bit, I hope Catherine McPhee wins and Ace loses in the next round. I am amazed that this show is consistently the top-rated show week after week...

I read this book on the recommendation of my brother and I was very happy I did. It's fantastic. It's about an Indian couple who move to America and then it focuses on the trials and tribulations of their son living in America as a first generation American. Reading a book that you can relate to 100% of is awesome. I could not put it down, you should all read it. Just to address a few things it made me think of... First was the way it made me see my parents in a light I had not previously had. I always knew it had to be hard for them to leave India and come here without knowing anyone or anything, but I could never really picture it until now. It is something that I could imagine doing but I don't think I could leave everyone behind during a time when the main means of communicating with their families was air-mail that would take over a week to get a letter. Another thing it made me realize was a better understanding of why it is I go home almost every weekend. We are raised in a way that we always feel like where our parents our is our home - in that home is where the heart is sense of the word - and it is probably partly because my brother and I are our parents entire family in this country. Can you imagine not having a single family member within 12,000 miles? It's crazy...
Anyways I guess that's all for now. I have been very boring these last few blogs and I have a lot of anger and hate built up so look for the next blog being a mindless rant about everything that has been pissing me off, and as always (or from now on) get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Carpe diem bitches.
I'm out homies
oh ps - At work I got 200 dollars to the mall here (because i'm such a bad ass when it comes to leasing apartments) and I went on a shopping spree. It was fucking sweet. Usually I am a bottom-line bargain shopper (I never buy anything that isn't 50% off an already red-lined item) but since I won the money I thought I should reward myself. I ended up spending all of it very quickly and only ended up with pants and a shirt from Banana Republic, a pair of shoes, a book and a new belt. Pretty much one 200 dollar outfit. I'll take a picture of me wearing the stuff so you can approve. Anyways, don't hate the player hate the game. Jammmmmmmmmm.
Yo Swami,
This is your number one fan..and don't worry..I'm still subscribed to your blog, unfortunately I mistakenly pressed to unsubscribe link! Anyways that was quickly remedied. I appreciate the shout out..but where the heck did u get that horrible picture of me? I look like I was flattened by a semi-truck..and not flattened on I-94 cause then I would be all uneven and have bits of tar all over the place..someplace with nice roads..like Toronto!
Anyways..about your book review I was gonna read "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" due to your recommendation but after seeing your review of Lahiri..I'm in doubt. Have your read her Pulitzer Prize winner..The Interpreter of the Maladies. Its a book of short stories and the first story pisses you right off..and it just continues on like that. I won't ruin it for you..but I've decided that I'm not only going to avoid Lahiri in the near future..but all female South Asian writers. They need to get past all of their angst...and move on!
Speaking of moving on..I gotta go..but I felt i needed to finally get the record straight!
Take care everyone..
Your #1 fan..
Adnan, it's good to have you back. I see what you are saying about Lahiri, but I think she uses that angst in a good way in The Namesake. Also, Extremely Loud is probably the complete opposite in a book so if you didn't like Lahiri you should like Foer.
Nate, I did pay full price for the pants ($60) but the shirt was on sale from $78 down to $16, so I had to get it. Short shorts should be given away, nay, they should pay you to wear them. Also linen short shorts are one of those things you find on "what not to wear."
.....If your 75. I agree M Clinton would NEVER wear shorts, sorry Nate.
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