The Hardest Working Fans...
The Palaca of Auburn Hills ofetn touts the Pistons' Fans as 'the hardest working fans' in basketball. While I don't doubt that when it comes to fandom we are without a doubt the cream of the crop, I do doubt if we are the 'hardest working' fans. This morning tickets for games 1 and 2 of round 1 of the playoffs went on sale at 11am. At 11 a.m. most people are either at work or in class; I was at work. It is probably safe to say that most people who purchase tickets are working citizens due to the fact that tickets cost money and as we all painfully know, you have to work to make money. Anyways, the point of my rant here is to wonder how both games could sell out in less than a few minutes. I was out showing apartments this morning and didn't get back into the office to a computer until 10:59 and when I signed on to ticketmaster they were unable to give me two tickets to either game. The palace holds a little over 22,500 people. That means that within a matter of minutes 45,000 tickets (for both games 1 and 2) were sold. That means there was probably 20 thousand people waiting like me to buy tickets, only they were waiting longer. That takes some serious dedication to completely free up some time to just sit in front of your computer at work. You really have to have your morning planned out and make sure that you are not interrupted. Most of these people I am sure were at work not doing anything but watching the clock, so while we work hard at being fans we clearly do not work hard. In summation, I'm just jealous, and a little ticked I didn't get tickets to any games, I guess I will just have to take the morning off for the next home games...
Recently I got an email from an old friend who I thought had fallen off the face of the earth. He had been a bit of a recluse the last couple of years and has been going through some life altering changes, which seems to be happening to almost everyone I know right now. Anyways, in his email he summed up his last couple years and talked about how he wanted to get back in touch with people and explore new horizons. Anyways, it got me wondering whether it was just a coincidence that all these people were going through these changes at the same time or if we actually are always going through changes that shape us and challenge our sense of self. I decided, that it is just age catching up with me. I am going to be 24 soon. It doesn't sound old to just say the word twenty-four, but it is old. I remember early in my college years when I thought 24 was old, and that by then I would be on the path college had guided me to. But I'm not. I am going to be starting film school in the fall and I have no idea where my life is heading. I guess thats why things seem so important right now, like I can't control where my life is headed but I can control the decisions I do have to make like where I'll be living. Actually that's about the only thing I can control, and even there I don't have much choice. My point being: every year we change in some way, and it is always a voluntary change. We are always faced with a decision to go down a certain path and as we get older those paths seem more important because we feel like we have less time in case we chose poorly.
To end my rambling succintly, in the words of Little Pete: "Life's short, live large." Carpe diem bitches. Go big or go home. Get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars...
I'm out like a rocket
oh ps - It has come to that time of year again when I make my decision for my next hair style. I am tempted to shave it all off again for the summer, but the ladies like it long. I'll post some pics next blog and maybe we can have a vote or something. That's all for now kids...ciao.
swami (Ive not heard that alias b4)
Im sure this is long overdue but congrats about film school. Its good to know that our dabblings into 'film' that is...the ONE short clip we made that included a bit about stove-topped stuffing and your brother getting crushed by a garage door -- really paid off. What school are you going to?
shave your head! long hair in general tends to be a bit creepy...no offense
Raj - Don't forget about the fight scene we made to the mortal kombat soundtrack, that took all day to choreograph.
Thanks for the input kels, I was leaning toward shaving it anyways...
Especially when we tried to convince a passerby to be part of the scene and he was like..."uh, no Im running." and ran off
i thought you might find this interesting. I did...
Its a video that would take Zelda to a new level...For some reason it made me think of you and your brother.
Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!
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