29 or 2 for 50...
Not really sure what that title implies beyond a spectacular deal, but I just saw one of those kick-ass Mr. Alan's commercials and I can't get that voice out of my head. So it's been a minute and I assume you all are wondering what I've been up to. What's it been? 3 Days? A lot can happen to a man in three days...just not this man.
I finally finished that book I have been reading forever (Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close). I kept trying to read other books while I was reading this one and yesterday I realized that I was missing out on one of the best books I have ever read and put everything else aside (except for the Pistons who kick so much ass I dont even need to go into the subject) and finished the book. Anyways, remember back when I was on friendster and I said that "Everything is Illuminated" was the best book I have read in years, well I was wrong. In his second book J.S. Foer outdid himself. This book was so good that I am actually going to talk about it and I'm not even in an english lit class. Nothing really in depth but it had to do with some of the carpe diem mentality I was trying to express in my last blog.
The book is centered around figuring out life, albeit from the perspectives of an 8 year old and an elderly couple, but I guess that dichotomy is the key to figuring out what life is all about, sort of like Rod Stewart said, "I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was younger." It has a lot to do with finding yourself after losing someone and the way you live your life, knowing that every moment you are alive could be your last, and I suppose one of the main themes in the book is coming to realize that. "I'd kissed Anna for the last time, seen my parents for the last time, spoken for the last time, why didn't I learn to treat everything like it was the last time, my greatest regret is how much I believed in the future." That quote blew my shit up. It definitely makes you think about why we wait to do things and why we don't say the things to people that we should tell them everytime we see them. There are things that I should be doing with my time that I'm not, and that is troubling. I am 23 and right now I would much rather be back-packing around Europe. Aside from the fact that I am currently broke, there shouldn't be anything keeping me from this. This summer, I am going to do something and learn something about the world that makes me learn something about myself. It will be one of those life altering experiences that shape me into who I become. See I'm already believing too much in the future. It's hard not to, it's hard to live in this moment and not think ahead.
I am going to try and tell people exactly what I think, not just the positives but everything. As much hapiness it may bring others to tell them how much they mean to you or how you like something about them, it is equally as important (This isn't any insight from the book, this is just me talking out of my ass now) to tell the people who piss you off what you think of them. It isn't worth it to keep things inside that piss you off. The truth will indeed set you free. From now on, I'm gonna be kicking ass and taking names.
Forget about keeping your feet on the ground and reaching for the stars, from now on I have a new motto: Lift your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Like I always say, go big or go home. 29 or 2 for 50...
Carpe Diem bitches
oh ps - i uploaded a new vid on youtube. it may suck but it also may be funny.
1 comment:
I heard that book is really good. Everything is Illuminated is amazing so far but I haven't gotten far because I'm either studying or sleeping. I really need to devote a weekend to it.
Hey, do you have $3,000? If you do, you should come to Thailand with me this summer. Not like I have $3,000 but I WILL find a way to do something this summer besides working at the mall.
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