Springtime, for Hitler, in Germany...(so you all don't think i'm a neo nazi, that title is a song in 'the producers') Well it seems as though Michigan is just being Michigan again. It is going to be 60 degrees today and again tomorrow and then of course on Tuesday it is going to snow. Mama always said spring is like a box of chocolates... Anyways I see that I haven't blogged in a while so we have a little bit to catch up on.

First up is the Oscars. I thought my boy, J. Stew, did a pretty good job though his funniest stuff was clearly off-script. I'm glad Three Six Mafia
finally got their oscar. Crash was a very good movie but I didn't see Brokeback so I'm not sure if it deserved to win or not. While we're on the subject, I don't see how these movies are pushing the envelope of current issues. 'Crash' had some racist people in it but it didn't point out some underlying truth in society, everybody knows there is still racism and especially in a city as divided as LA. Nothing about it was new or particularly captivating. I guess Brokeback should have won for originality (even though it was based on a book) but even that is just a story about a couple of gay dudes. Nothing shocking about a couple of guys making out, it happens - watch mtv for a day and you'll get more shocking truths about gays than Brokeback will give you. I guess it was such a big issue because it was about gay cowboys and maybe all the rednecks out west got mad because their president (G.W.B.) is a 'cowboy' and probably gay, and because they all pretty much voted to ban gays from having any rights.
When things work out they seem to work out for everyone. If you follow this blog then you are aware that I got into the film school I wanted to go to and that NY is on the horizon. But things seem to be falling into place for everyone. Kelsey got into the nursing program she wanted to go to, Jordon got into the theatre program she auditioned for, the Pistons seem to have regained some of their composure and Michigan State is finally playing some good basketball.
Anyways it's a weird thing to be on a path to accomplishing something. If you really think about it, it seems like what we do from day to day is just going through the motions until one day we accomplish some ultimate task. We go to school until we graduate, but essentially we haven't done anything really to prepare us for what it is that we want to do in life. So then we go to grad school or wherever to learn about something we may actually want to do. Then we get a job, and hopefully it's a job we want to do, otherwise it's still going through the motions. The point of my rambling is to figure out when we stop going through the motions and actually feel accomplished? When do we see our potential and hard work and hopes and dreams actually realized? Does someone actually physically have to give us an award or a certificate that says "hey, good job. you made it!?" Or is it possible to one day wake up, while you are just going through the motions, and realize that this is our life and we should live it for today and not the future.
Not to try and delve too deep into the philosophies of life but a friend of mine recently "awoke" and found himself living his life for today and not tomorrow. In his
blog he talks about grabbing life by the horns and carpe diem and all that good stuff. It's a very good entry that you should read. It, along with grey's anatomy, got me wondering if I am going through the motions or actually living life. One time Forrest Gump said to me, hey Marty, "I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floatin' around accidental-like on a breeze. But I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happening at the same time." I suppose that's where I stand. I think most of us are in the same boat. We go through the motions and follow the road where it takes us until we find something that wakes us up. I was going through the motions until I took my first film class and now I know what it is I want to do. I actually have a clear direction and a goal that, while it may be lofty, isn't just some pipe dream; and that is more than I can say for a lot of people I know.
"There's only us, only tonight. We must let go - to know what's right" Thats a quote from 'Rent" that may apply or not. Anyways I didn't mean to get into all that but I guess I will leave you all wondering about your life or perhaps just wondering why you waste time reading my blog. As always, keep your feet on the ground but keep reaching for the stars.
I'm out homies
oh ps - if anyone is going to be in East Lansing for St. Patty's day let me know, it's gonna be a hoot. Is it just me or does green beer make everyone else's stomach hurt. I think it's the food coloring, though it may be the copius amounts of alcohol at 7 in the morning. Anyways keep on truckin. Later.