So once again, for what seems to be the 50th time in my life, I'm moving. To Chicago. This time will hopefully be the last (or one of the last) location moves, and the third time zone shift in my life. After spending some time out here, I'm convinced that Central Time is the worst. EST is obviously the best and even more so in Michigan - being on the border of Central time, we generally get almost an hour more daylight than the people of New York and the rest of the east coast. It's great. But CST means an hour less daylight and TV shows are an hour earlier. Unlike Mountain time or PST, where shows are delayed until the proper hour, shows just air whenever they want here. Now, I don't watch TV and won't be able to afford cable, but on the rare occasion that I do, I want 30 Rock to start at 930 and not 830. Whatever.
Aside from the new move, I've decided I'm going to change my blog slightly as well. Instead of always talking about something mundane, I'm going to try and post 'interesting' anecdotes about my life. Don't get me wrong, I'll still write many many boring blogs that really do nothing but distract you, while simultaneously not entertain you, for a few minutes. Fresh off the heels of stealing Sylvia's format, I'm also going to borrow from my friend Prudence's style as well and dole out nicknames to recurring characters in my life. Obviously this is going to be a work in progress and there will be terrible posts like this where I grumble something about time zones and then explain something very simple in a long run on paragraph, but that's how I get down.
The city of wind. Indeed. It is markedly colder than NYC which leads me to this next point (my first point?) which is that despite my strong desire to leave the city, there will be things about it that I will miss. Thai Food. The Subway. West Side Market. Lemon (introduction of the first character - possibly the funniest girl in the world). The Library for the Performing Arts. Fat Cat (greatest bar in the world). The West Village. Francine (I'm cheating here - this is actually Prudence's sister, also called 'Francine,' which makes her like Frasier only if Cheers was still on while Fraiser was). There are probably a few other things that will come out but that's all I got for now.
So I move in a couple of weeks. Actually on the 1st which might be the worst time ever to move due to Halloween being the night before but we'll see what happens. I'm hoping I can move a day sooner and get it over with rather than drag it out over a whole weekend. Moving is the worst. Anyways, that's all for now. Go big or go home.
-M, p, z & shredder
oh ps:
tfln - (718): "Is there dairy in semen?" was in her recent google searches...so she's lactose intolerant AND a slut. "
Fat cat was the spot. Also, the hell are you moving for?
Central time is the best for T.V. You can watch all the shows and still get decent beauty sleep.
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