Monday, October 19, 2009

Cast List...

So I guess if I'm going to give everyone nicknames, it'll probably be easiest if I have a cast list or something you can click on to remind you who's who in case you are actually so bored that you care to know.

So obviously there's me - cooler than a polar bears toenails, but here's the rest:

(disclaimer - this will be the only page on my blog that will be updated on a regular basis)

Lemon - 23, blonde, funny, uncontrollable
Other Guy - brother in arms in Halo (also actual brother)
Brown Guy - brown, runner, gets inexplicably mad at the little things in life
Dragonlady - brown guys woman, could possibly beat me up
Mark Twain - best friend, hates confrontation
Francine - french/indian (not like the war), likes turtles
Leadright - former roommate, probably still eats ramen
Sylvia - Mark Twain's sister, seemingly loves boy problems
Socrates - former roommate, teacher, doesn't watch TV
Kingsford - fellow moviephile, green thumb, vegetarian
Other Girl - Other Guy's girl, pediatrician, fellow Psych lover
Jesse Spano -young, blonde, monotone and bestie
Nebraska - likes babies, blonde, dancer, from Nebraska
Texas -  white rapper, funny, from Texas

If you are lucky enough to make my blog, then pat yourself on the back. If not, buy me a shot of tequila and the night will probably end in a story that will land on here.

1 comment:

Dragonlady said...

Also, I spit hot fire.