Monday, November 17, 2008


I had a drink called Kryptonite over the weekend. Not only was it delicious, but it was very aptly named. I woke up feeling like Superman when he fought the guy that came from Superman's hair and the sun, Nuclear Man. It wasn't so much that I was dying, just that I lost my powers and was useless.

Not a whole lot on my mind (actually that's not true there's just not a whole lot I wanted to mention) other than some concerns I have about the auto industry. There has been a lot of discussion lately about bailing out GM and the Big Three to help them out. What I don't get is the opposition to this. I understand the theory that a lot of people have about how when the airlines declared bankruptcy, they actually ended up on top in the end. But this is not the airlines. The fact is that GM could be bankrupt by the end of the year if the government doesn't step up and do something.

The situation is probably closer to me than the the rest of the country who is not from Michigan, but the sad fact is that the auto industry, despite it's horrible state, is still the only industry Michigan can 'rely' on. Michigan will blow up if the big three fold. So will a lot of the country I assume. I don't know why there is hesitation to give them the 25 billion they ask for, when they've given 300 billion to the financial sector. Are these hundreds of thousands of jobs not as important as banks being able to hand out loans?

I think the right way to do it is to give them the money with a lot of stipulations. Now I don't know how these things actually work, but I assume that if you are giving someone money, you can tell them how to spend it. I think the government needs to step in with a fistful of cash and tell them to spend it on developing cars for the future. Low emission, feul-cell, hydrogen powered cars. Anything. I know that bio fuel is not the answer and I hope that people stop thinking it is. But if the govt made a mandate on how the money had to be spent, it wouldn't just save the industry, but it would create jobs. It would actually be a huge step in creating an industry for eco friendly fuel and isn't that what we're trying to get to anyways?

Just thinking out loud here. Also wanted to quickly mention how excited I am for State's game this weekend. The last time State went to the Rose Bowl I was 8 (and a Michigan fan). In the 6 years since I have become a State fan, this is the first time we've not sucked after the first 6 games or so. If we beat Penn St. we go to the Rose Bowl. It's that 'simple'. Also, it's supposed to snow tonight here in NYC. I'm so pumped. It's about time. It was 67 degrees on saturday. It was so gross. It's mid-November. I expect snow and sold winds and dry air. It's about time. I love how people freak out here when it snows. People seriously lose their s***. They can't function. If you've ever seen it here when it's raining, people go crazy. They run around staring at the ground scrambling for taxis and holding newspapers or umbrellas over their heads like it's acid rain. It's hilarious because I love walking in the rain and watching people be crazy.

Good night sweet prince. Parting is inevitable - Lex Luthor

-M, p, z & shredder

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