This is essentially my life right now:
Oh, you're looking for someone who has a degree with a background in writing and critical thinking who also went to film school and loves film and tv production and is wiling to start at the bottom even though you should put him at the top? What a coincidence! I happen to embody exactly what you're looking for!! Here's a cover letter and a resume...Hello? Hello?! Crap.

Anyways, other than that I have been kicking ass and taking names. Not really. I've been sitting around trying not to spend any money since I have none and organizing my small room to make it seem not so small. As far as the Olympics go, I've been watching a little randomly but only really interested in basketball. To be honest, I have this unnatural resentment to Michael Phelps. By all accounts he seems to be a nice guy and obviously a tremendous athlete. It has nothing to do with him going to U of M and hating him for that because I didn't really like him before he went there, I should actually be proud that he lives in the same city where I grew up. But for some strange reason I just can't get behind him. I mean I want him to win, but I feel like it's only because I feel like I have to or someone will strangle me with an American flag. I mean look at him, look at how excited and pumped he is. How does that not pump me up? Am I insane? Does anyone else feel me on this or am I alone?
I am also looking forward to this years fall tv shows. Last year there seemed to be about 50 new shows and I didn't really get to see a lot of them that I wanted to but all the ones I loved got renewed and will be on soon. It is very strange though the way TV has a "season" like they're a sports team. It's kind of silly really. My favorite show on TV is Psych. It's on USA on friday's at 10. It's hands down the funniest show on TV and I love a good funny/detective/buddy buddy show. But the best part? USA doesn't adhere to a 'season.' They air shows whenever they want. For Monk and Psych they have new episodes that air from July-Sept-ish and then Jan-April-ish. It's awesome. Everyone else has reruns of god awful BS shows like Two and a Half Men and USA is showing brand new hilarious high quality shows. I don't get why more networks don't capitalize on the fact they no one else is airing anything worth watching. I watch 2 hours of TV a week and it's on Friday nights from 9-11.
I'm just rambling. I actually had a few things I wanted to talk about but since I always fly off on tangents I can never remember them. Anyways, keep your ear to the grindstone. Go big..
-M, p, z & shredder
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