So I am sitting here at work watching the pistons on my portable tv waiting for my pizza and I was watching a commercial for some terrible TV show that is so retarded it would make Macgyver forget how to make a bomb. So instead of rehashing the glory days with greats like Mac, Airwofl, the A-Team, Saved by the Bell and about a zillion other shows, I am instead goingto rack my brain to find the 5 best shows on TV right now. Keep in mind that always the best thing on TV is anything Pistons related so the number 1 here actually is a distant number 2.
At number 5 is the best make-over show ever: What not to Wear on TLC. It is a very good show and probably the only show that I really want to be on. Essentially what they do is take someone who wears clothes like they were colorblind and then got dressed in the dark, 15 years prior (this person is usually submitted to the what not to wear website by their loved ones) and are then given advice on clothes shopping and what would look best on them and $5,000 to shop with. All in all it's a great show and you might even learn something about what not to wear yourself. I believe there was a segment on linen short-shorts, just kidding. It's on Fridays at 9 and 11pm (the 11 is the repeat from the previous week).
At number 4 is Sportscenter on ESPN. You have all seen it and know what it's all about. It is my most watched program and usually I am able to watch it twice a day. The only reason it does not place higher is because too much time is spent talking about awful sports such as Baseball and Hockey and there is much too much NFL discussions. Dont get me wrong I love wtahcing all three of those in person but sitting through Hockey and Baseball highlights is like watching a snake digest a mouse. It might sound cool but it's boring as shit. Its on daily at 6,7,8,9,10 and 11 am then again at 6 and 11 pm.
At number 3 is Entourage on HBO. The only thing keeping this out of the number 2 slot is the fact that HBO insists on having short seasons that end much too soon and aren't re-run anough to memorize. If you haven't seen it, go buy season 1. Season 2 comes out soon so buy that too. It is the best show HBO has put out. I never really got into the Sopranos but I loved Sex and the City and it is much better than that, either that or it's more of a guys version of it. Seasons run in the summer.
The runner up is Pardon The Interruption on ESPN, or PTI for short. It is a sports talk show that spends the perfect amount of time on a variety of issues not limited to sports. The banter between the hosts, Tony Kornheiser and Michael Wilbon, is second only to the banter of the boys on the TNT NBA Pre-game. (The only thing keeping the boys at TNT out of this list is because I dont know if it is conisdered a show since it is sort of in between commercials and at halftime and such. if you do consider it a show then move it into second place and then adjust the rest accordingly.) PTI is hilarious, argumentative opinions shouted by my to favorite sports analysts. It's on everyday at 5:30 and then at 6:30 on ESPN2.
The winner is Grey's Anatomy. This show is the only show since the 3rd season of the West Wing that plants me in front of my TV every time

So there you have it, the list of the 5 best shows on TV. If you disagree then you are wrong.
That's all for now and as always, keep your feet on the ground but keep reaching for the stars.
i'm out
oh ps - will someone please see Running Scared with me???
I still have yet to watch the American version (inferior version) of The Office. I don't think I will ever be able to watch it even if people say it's good. In the extras on The Christmas Special dvd of the BBC version, someone asks Ricky Gervais if they are going to make any more episodes due to it's huge success and he replied, "We musn't." He said that anything else would ruin it and I think that is why I will not watch the American version.
How about Arrested Development?! Unfortunately, the show got canceled. But, it was the best piece of script writing and finest portrayal of the characters I have ever seen. I love entourage, but you will admire AD and everything about that show. The show is about a rich businessman's fall and how his son tries to save the business and the family's support during the whole process. Charlize Theron plays a major role in season 3. All the 3 seasons are out on dvd, rent it if you can.
Ditto on Arrested Development
Top 5 shows (in no particular order)
Battlestar Galactica (remake)
The Wire
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