I just submitted my application to the NY Film Academy. I suppose that means the decision is made, though I feel substantially less satiated than I thought I would be. I assume that is because there is still much to figure out besides the obvious, "will I get in?" I am quite sure they accept on a first come first served basis, and when I went to visit my boy told me I had plenty of time so unless he lied to me because he hates brown people I think everything will be cool. Now I just need to figure out were I'm going to live exactly and when I am going to move there. The program starts in mid-September (actually the day before my birthday) so I will have all spring and summer to find a place to live though i would like to move out there sooner than that so i can find a job and get familiar with the area.
I'm not quite sure if i am going to live alone or with someone. I think the school can help you find someone else in the program to live with but i'll be 24 then and I thik that crosses the threshold of being too old to go in blind. The possibility of living with P Diddy has crossed my mind but that dude parties to much for me. Besides those girls from making the band would be all over me and that would get annoying. Then there's my car. I would want it there but I am not sure where I would keep it and whether that is a good idea or not. Speaking of cars; in the 7 years that I have been driving (legally) I have had 5 cars. That is quite a few so i thought i would go over them and rank them from the worst to the best.
Coming in at number 5 as the worst car ever is my black 99 Oldsmobile Intrigue. Given to me after my mom had it for years during my junior year of college, it was a true P.O.S. It was my 4th car and the first car (and last) my mom bought on her own without anyone's approval. It was a terrible car. It was big and actually had decent speed but other than that it blew. By the time I sold it, it only had 132,000 miles on it but acted like it had 3 million. The heat wouldn't work unless the brights were on, the power steering would work maybe 6% of the time, the lights would turn off all the time, it would rarely start on the first 3 tries, the radio would get so hot you couldn't touch it and reverse didn't always work.
At number 4 is my third car, A 2000 Honda Accord LX. It was a very good car, it was probably the best looking car that I had. It was after Honda changed the look of their Accords for the first time and it looked sweet. It had the sport package so it had a spoiler, 5 star rims and it was silver. The only thing keeping it out of 3rd place is that it was a leased car and given to my brother after i got in an accident in it.
At number 3 is my second car, a dark gray Mazda 626 ES. It was actually a very nice car, it just happens to be up against some stiff competition. It was the most luxurious car I had and it was sporty. It was fast and looked good. The inside was fully loaded with leather seats, auto everything, sunroof, premium sound system and a 6 disc cd player. The only reason It doesn't rank higher is because the engine blew up on my on the millenium. I was driving home to Port Huron from Ann Arbor after ney years and it blew up on 94E just south of 8 Mile. I was stuck on the side of the road for hours since no tow trucks were working on new years day.
In a surprising second place finish (it was favored to win first) is my current car, a silver 2002 Subaru Impreza WRX. The best car performance wise and the first stick shift ever in our household. I am actually the only one who can drive it. It is on of the greatest cars built in the last couple decades and has single handedly revolutionized the auto industry. All companies are now making performance based cars based on the success of the WRX.
That makes my very first car, a black 92 Nissan Maxima GXE, as the best car ever. Passed down from my mom to my brother to me, it got around 230,000 miles. It was a warrior. Though dubbed the 'Hidden Hooptie" by kris brown while still under my brothers care, it was still a fantastic car when i got it. Aside from the fact that the cd player ate my DMX cd and that the electrical components oc

Anyways thats all for now, as always: keep your feet on the ground but keep reaching for the stars.
Peace out
oh ps - you should read this "Yep, even in the All-Star game it was the Detroit Pistons who were the best team on the floor."
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1 son
I loved that car so much!! Especially when you let me drive it illegally. so sad that it's gone now. I spent a good part of high school in that car. It was seriously the most comfortable car on the planet. I did not like it when you went drag racing though with me in the car, the car didn't like it either.
that's definately not your maxima. yours was always dusty and looked more friendly. P.S.-wasn't there are car phone in it?? remember the Sadie Hawkin's incident of '99??
man, i loved that car. i learned how to drive in that car as well. i remember when we first got it when i was in eighth grade, i was ecstatic that it had a cd player. i was so thrilled that i bumped my one and only cd, tmnt: the soundtrack. shredder's suite for life!!! i also enjoyed it when the automatic seat belts wouldn't let you get out from the car because they wouldn't retract. as if the maxima was saying, "i love you too, please don't leave." or that might have been interpreted by a more pessimistic (albeit realistic) person as, "haha! you never escape my burning refuge should you crash into a fiery ball! sucker."
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