Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Reviews Are In...

As most of you know, I enjoy a good movie hop. I love to see movies, and as poor as I am, can only afford to see all the ones I'd like to if I movie hope to three or sometimes four movies. Well this weekend I was backed up. So I recruited a friend who will heretofore be known as Texas, to movie hop with me as he's done so a couple times before and has been the only one to show a desire to keep doing so with me, aside from Lemon. So I set a goal of breaking my record of four in a row and attempting five with mutterings of a 6th.

The day started out looking like I wouldn't movie hop at all. I woke up at 8:30 still drunk from the night before (Thursday night is the only night I go out - how can you pass up $1 bottles?) after only sleeping for less than 5 hours. I called Texas and asked him if he was still up for it. He mumbled a yes and I threw a bunch of food and water in my backpack and set off. After 13 hours of straight movie watching we had successfully done a 6-movie movie hop all for the low low price of $6. It was glorious. We even had Jesse Spano come meet us in the middle for three of those. Here's the breakdown:

10:05 - The Middle Men - Luke Wilson did a good job in a bad movie. A movie that was about the guys who invented internet porn with a Wilson starring should have been funny. It wasn't. Don't recommend even netflixing this.

12:20 - The Expendables - After years of waiting for this movie, I was not disappointed. The action was awesome, the one-liners were in full effect and Mickey Rourke actually put in some effort to act a little and it ended up being a successful action romp.

2:20 - Scott Pilgrim vs The World - Best movie I've seen in some time. It was awesome. The movie was hilarious, well acted, incredibly directed and pretty perfect overall. Edgar Wright knows his way around a graphic novel. I've only read a couple of the comics but this is exactly what I was hoping for.

4:45 - The Other Guys - Oh Adam McCay, I knew it would be hard to top Step Brothers, but this was a flop. There were some hilarious moments, and I didn't hate it, but if not for Middle Men, this movie would have easily been the worst of the day. Save your money and catch it on netflix in a few months for a lazy Saturday afternoon or to put on in the background.

6:45 - The Switch - Jason Bateman and the kid really stole the show and actually, I'm pretty sure that was the point. The movie became about them in what turned out to be a really good chick flick. Not the funniest movie ever, but it was definitely something I'd watch again.

9:05 - Get Low - If you haven't seen the preview for this, you should. It was the only indie we saw yesterday and it was really good. Great acting from Robert Duvall and Bill Murray was hilarious as usual. I pretty much laughed in every scene he was in. If you can find a theater near you that's playing this, watch it. Not a comedy but a really good story with a surprising number of laughs.

Anyway, I'm out. Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

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