-M, p, z & shredder
ps - little bit of shocking news, Terrance Howard will not be returning to do Iron Man 2. Not exactly sure why yet but sources say it was financial issues along with other things. I hate when characters get replaced (except Maggie for Katie in Dark Knight). Luckily he's being replaced by Don Cheadle who is one of my favorite actors. It's strange, I don't like characters changing but the one thing I was mildly disappointed with was the character of Col. Rhodes. Hopefully Cheadle can make me forget all about Howard. I'm hoping Cheadle turns into War Machine and that he looks like this...

very clever.
help me.
This is interesting, because I read this post last week, and as a person who is part of a white, southern family and as someone working in a rural area on the Obama campaign, I was going to say most people aren't like that...
But then I talked to my cousin who served both Gulf Wars, and he believes that Obama is a closet Muslim who is working on behalf of the extremist. And my cousin is talking to me! So this is a person who has at least 1 or 2 Arabs and Muslims in his family. I hope most folks aren't like that, but he definitely made me wonder.
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