First of all, what is with this weather. I thought it was supposed to start getting warm. I blame Bush. Good thing next week I am escaping to Florida for some much needed golf and sun. I am the least dark I have ever been. Speaking of which, after watching lots of Scrubs over the last couple months I would like to be referred to as Chocolate Bear. So a couple quick things to mention. The Pistons clinched the #1 seed in the Eastern Conference. Home court until the Finals is pretty huge. Also congrats to MSU, the new National Champions in Hockey. I gotta tell you though, nothing ruins a national championship like hockey. I was in East Lansing for the game (though it was in St. Louis) and no one seemed to care. It's funny how a school like BC (a college hockey giant) can care so much about something that seemingly no one at MSU cared about. Anyways, it's something to brag about.
I finally signed up for netflix 2 days ago and got my first movies today. This means that I will now be watching even more movies than before which is semi-ridiculous because I watched too many as it was. I got my frist 2 movies already and I've already watched 1. So far I'm very impressed with how easy it is to deal with.
I guess I am not really in a very pensive mood right now but I'll blog tomorrow or something.
As always, yadda yadda yadda.
-M, p & z
oh ps - anyone moving to nyc or la in the fall? I may be looking for a new roommate here if i decide to move out to brooklyn or if i move to la i'll need someone out there as well. Did anyone see The Last Mimzy like I told you to? Or Friday Night Lights like I asked? Seriously, if you're bored go online to and you can watch all the episodes for free. Whatdoyagotto lose?
the pic is from the last time i was home. tell me lake huron isn't the greatest backyard...
Screw NYC and LA, new orleans is the new hotness.
I think you meant Minneapolis-St Paul.
can't oblige. i already call kris "brown bear" or some variation thereof. it makes a lot of sense, since he is extremely turk like and his last name is brown.
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