So San Francisco passed a ban on using plastic bags. In place they have either paper, a reusable cloth bag or a mild plastic that breaks down easily in composting. How cool is that. Since moving to NYC I have been increasingly aware of the damage that plastic bags cause due to the amazingly large quantity they give out in stores here. They will always double bag you simply because most people walk to the store and they don't want you to have your bag tear and all of your stuff ome out. I remember back in the day Kroger used to give you 5 cents for every bag you brought back to help reuse them. Thinking back on it, they were 20 years ahead of the times. I stopped using grocery bags a couple months ago when I bought a canvas bag at whole foods. I can take it into any store and have no need for any plastic bags at all so when I heard about this ban I was overjoyed. San Francisco has always been one city I could see myself living in, though I haven't been there in probably 15 years. I don't know a single person who doesn't love it out there. If there were any place outside of Michigan to steal my heart away it would definitely be SF.
So we are now into April and aside from one setback (which gave me the runs) I have yet to eat any meat but chicken so far this year. Surprisingly I don't miss other meat anymore. I went through a rough patch a month ago when the steakhouse downstairs (literally downstairs) started keeping their door open and wafts of succulent steak entered through my windows. People have expressed their feelings about my chickenatarianism. Most don't care, others think it's stupid and don't get it. So to explain a little bit: I don't agree with killing animals. Morally speaking, I think it's wrong. I think all animals have an equal right to life as any other living creature. That said, chicken is my holy grail. It is the greatest tasting entity to evolve on earth. It is easy for me to give up every other meat, just not chicken. I was a vegetarian before for a few months and the one thing that broke me was chicken. For some reason when I tell people that I only eat chicken they get defensive. They think that I am attcking them when I really don't care what they do. They come up with elaborate theories about how the only way to get protein is from meat (which they know isn't true esp. when many legumes have more protein than any meat). I wouldn't try and get people to stop eating any meat (except for veal) unless they didn't want to. It is the same as trying to get people to recycle or drive less, however if people want to do those things that would rule.
Did anyone care about the NCAA tournament this year? Quite possibly the least I have ever been interested in a basketball tourney in my life. Wow, Florida won. I get to see that overrated guy with his wildly long hair. It's no surprise my roommate and I found ourselves watching not only the season finale of The Hills over the game but also the lame Live Afterparty where they answered some questions. I'm just glad OSU lost. Watching college basketball is about as fun as watching the WNBA, I really could care less. Don't get me wrong, I love MSU and would have felt differently about this tourney had they not lost to UNC, but seriously I have no interest in a tourney with no story lines, no famed cinderella teams, no one to root for other than a No. 1 or a No. 2 seed. The best team won. Who cares.
That's all for now. As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
hallelujah hollaback
-M, p & z
oh ps - I talked about Mika on here a while back and his cd finally came out last week. I said he I liked him because he reminded me of Queen. Well his cd is no different, if you like Queen you will like this cd. Actually sometimes it almost seems like he took one of their songs, changed the words to update it but kept the tempo and the content pretty much the same. For example his song Big Girl (you are beautiful) is suspiciously familiar to Queen's Fat Bottomed Girls. Anyways, it's a good cd. worth a listen.
I actually really enjoyed the first couple rounds. We got to see some good comebacks. The tourney didn't go downhill until a cadre of teams (UNC, Georgetown, UCLA, OSU) basically decided they didn't feel like putting the ball through the basket anymore. Seriously, how was OSU 2-for-what, 25 behind the arc last night? Disgraceful basketball.
chicken is gross. period. don't eat it. I can send you some good vegetarian recipes if you like. I only eat chicken if my mom makes me.
P.S.-I'll try to call you tomorrow. it's been too long!
kels, that's the meanest thing anyone has ever said. chickens never did anything to you. why you gotta hate them so much. listen just relax and eat some of their fingers, they're delicious...
"many legumes have more protein than any meat." buddy, you're going to have to prove that one to me. show me the data son. also, i will watch the "last mimzy" solely on the basis of your recommendation. and on the grocery tip, i've been getting paper bags for the last few months and i have one huge complaint: those baggers hate using paper bags. i mean, they fucking hate it. i dont' know why this is. they don't ask "paper or plastic?" they ask, "is plastic ok?" so then i say, "actually, i'd prefer paper, thanks." they look at you like you just said their kid is mad ugly or something. look, instead of 12 plastic bags, you need 4 paper ones. they're all recyclable and i use them for other things (like, putting my recylclables within their cozy confines). i used to work at kroger, you have one job, bag some produce, it's not hard-and i always help them with this (i mean, i always think it's kinda strange in some elitist way to wait for someone to get your food together. it feels like some sort of slavery thing i can't get down with. i digress). anyway, my point is...i don't even remember.
I too question if veggies have more protein. You're right about fried, skin-on chicken has more protein than the healthy stuff but 1 serving of chicken has more protein than a whole cup of garbanzo beans. Check out this website: http://grande.nal.usda.gov/NDL/index.html.
And...I still hate chicken. Nothing against the animal, but chicken is boring.
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