So before the season started I picked the east to finish like this: Pistons, Bulls, Cavs and the Heat in the top 5. Right now, the Bulls are hot and I really want them to get the number 2 spot so we can meet them in the conference finals. Nothing could excite me more that a conference finals with our old rivals. In order for the to happen we need to beat the Cavs this sunday and then have the bulls match whatever cleveland does for the rest of the season. Anyways, with less than 10 games left in the season it's getting to be a pretty exciting time.
I'm going to start giving movies a rating system. It's going to be out of 10 points and there will be many things taken into consideration including: acting, direcitng, cinematography, soundtrack, originality and of course enjoyability. The difference between this ranking system and others is that it will be by genre. For example most movie critics go see some innane kids movie like Firehouse Dog and then have the idiocy to compare it to TMNT. My ratings will be specifically applicable to each movie. For example I would give the 300 a 7 and Talladega Nights an 8. I don't think that Talladega Nights is a better movie than the 300 but I think as far as a Will Ferrel movie goes, it's an 8. It's hilarious. But as far as all the hype and for how cool 300 should have been, I only give it a 7. Generally people expect a certain something from a movie which is usually why they choose the movie they do and that is what I'm going to rank, whether it lives up to what it should be.
That said I saw a couple more movies that I'd like to review. Blades of Glory and The Last Mimzy. I'll start with Baldes of Glory. To me I felt like the whole time I was waiting for the next one-liner. There were no really hilarious moments and I never really cared what happened to anyone. The difference between this and Talladega Nights was that in the latter, Will Ferrel actually was Ricky Bobby. I believed the whole thing and I cared about what happened to the characters in the movie. In this movie it's almost like it's just a sketch on SNL. I don't believe any of it and the whole time I am just waiting for Will to say something funny like when he tells Heder that his skating was like "cirque de so-lame." I have used that line about 50 times since yesterday. Overall I'd give the movie a 5, Will and John have some hilarious zingers but it's a disspointment.

After that was over I movie hopped over to The Last Mimzy. I have been wanting to see this since it came out but every time I want to movie hop to it I usually have to wait an hour. Anyways this movie was really something special. I had heard mixed reviews, generally good ones saying the film was an instant classic and others saying the director was reaching. I for one, agree with the former. This movie truly makes me want to be a little kid again so I could see it from a more imaginative perspective. It mixes ET, The Explorers and a little bit of Alice and Wonderland perfectly into an amazing movie. I really believe it is up there with those movies. It has all the imagination of The Explorers but it's so vivid and real that it reminds me of Close Encounters. I'd give this movie a 9, and the kids they got to play the leads are perfect not to mention the little girl is cuter than a puppy licking a kitten.
Anyways, thats all for now. As always get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
hallelujah hollaback
-M, p & z
oh ps - hopefully people actually listen to some of my reviews and take my advice. i highly reccomend the last mimzy if you liked ET and The Explorers growing up. If you don't remember the Explorers then go to imdb and check it out. also friday night lighs has its season finale next week, it really is one of the best shows on tv so check it out. you can watch episodes online if you are bored at work.
1 comment:
In response to my brother's question for data on my last blog, go to nutritiondata.com and you can compare nutriton facts. chickpeas, garbonzo beans and others have more protein per serving than any meat. you can even choose how the meat is cooked (yes even skinless chicken not cooked in any oil has less protein sadly.)
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