So I haven't posted in a bit. I've been jetsetting around the globe. Actually just to florida for last weekend and then I was busy this week. I realized something when I was down there and also during my subsequent return to the basketball court on tuesday: I'm getting old(er). I take aleve for my aches and pains. Aches and pains. Things that not long ago were non-existent to me. Things reserved for seniors with arthritis. My brother and I decided that as much fun as it was laying by a pool getting dark (too dark for anyone to marry says my mother) we needed to tackle the Atlantic Ocean. And by tackle I mean get railed by wave after wave. We hopped on some boogie boards to have a little fun and proceeded to get wrecked. The ocean is much stronger than lake huron. And saltier. There was one very large swell that knocked both my brother and I to the ocean floor (lucky for you the moment was captured on camera (above), that's my boogie board - you couldn't even seen any of muki or his board because he got wrecked worse than I did). I banged my right arm, shoulder and head on the ground but somehow amidst my thoughts of my impending death, managed to stand up and right myself in the 4 foot deep water. As much fun as that near death experience was I felt the effects for days and I still have a crick in my neck.
I then played basketball for a couple hours on tuesday to appreciate the nice new york weather. The problem was that though I have been running at the gym a few times a week, nothing compares to the strain all that jumping puts on your body. Sadly it was only the third time I have balled since moving to NYC and I felt it the next day pretty bad. I remember the days not long ago when I could try and flip off of a fence and land on my back and not feel any pain at all. Even more recent I remember freshman year of college when I tried to to do one of those bad ass run up the wall and do a backflip things only to land on my face and knee, yet still, 10 seconds later I was fine.
So why now, after almost a week, does my shoulder still have a lingering dull pain. Part of it is because I haven't done things like that in a while and my body wasn't prepared for it, but sadly it's also because I'm too old to have my wolverine mutant power of superhealing work as fast anymore (sorry if i got a little nerd-technical on you). Rather than succomb to my old age I am going to spend this summer tumbling. Doing somersaults down hills, trying to regain the ability of the back handspring, climbing trees and most imprtantly, jumping off things I shouldn't jump off of. As a kid I lacked sufficient power to properly do some acrobatics I always wanted to do, now that I'm bigger and stonger I feel like I should be able to do these things. Right? Right. I hope.
As always get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
hallelujah hollaback
-M, p & z
oh ps - speaking of getting wrecked by waves...I have always had a ridiculously strong obsession with wanting to surf but the problems are many, First off I'm pretty sure I'm petrified of the ocean. I mean sharks, whales, jellyfish - I've seen Planet Earth, what's not to be scared of right? Second and more importantly I am not the best swimmer ( i blame my father- to teach me to swim he took me out in the lake to a point where i couldn't touch and he held me and then looked me in the eye, let go and said, 'swim!' I cried) My question is, how silly would I look as surfer if I wore a life jacket? Honestly. I mean one of the best things about surfing is looking cool right? So would it ruin everything if I wore one? Let me know because when (if) I move out to LA I'll need an answer to this question.
here's us discussing our plan of attack