At number 5 is MTV's The Hills (mondays at 10). I know. A guilty pleasure to most, but to me it really is that good. It has everything that most drama's aspire to have, only it's 'real'. Seriously though. It's good. The main girl LC, is okay, but it's her douchebag roommate and her boyfriend (who may be the biggest douchebad every, I mean this guy pioneered douchebaggery) that make the show ridiculous. It makes me happy just knowing that I am not them.
At number 4 is what has been at the top of my list for years and has finally slipped: Grey's Anatomy (thursday's at 9 - abc). Seriously? Seriously. I mean seriously Grey's. What the hell. Why have you sucked for the past 5 episodes. It's stock has plummeted after George's dad died. It went from one of the best episodes to date to the worst 3-parter of any series ever. The dialogue has gotten stale and the characters are atrophying before our eyes. It's been a sad decline but in a few weeks the final 6 episodes air and I am hoping for some redemption.
At number 3 is the brand new BBC America show Robin Hood. It's a series. Not like 'men in tights' but badass like Prince of Thieves. It's actually quite good. It reminds me of Psych mixed with Heroes and all the old school crime shows you can think of. It's funny and well acted which is pretty standard for anything on BBC-A. If you get the channel you should watch it. It really has an old school feel, mainly because Robin has his nemisis Sheriff of Loxley who he encounters all the time and has all the chances in the world to kill, but he never does. There are very few shows anymore where the hero and villain co-exist like that. It makes me happy.
Somehow holding on to the coveted number 2 spot is Entourage. There really is no good reason this is still up here but I guess that's a testament to how good the show is. I mean there have only been 8 episodes so far this season, and those ran last summer. I mean I have lived in NYC for 7 months now and for some reason I haven't missed a single new episode of the same season. Just call is season 4. God. Anyways, it's up here this high because I just re-watched season 2 and also added HBO to our cable plan because it's FINALLY returning on April 8th (I think).

That leaves number 1 to Friday Night Lights (wed at 8 on nbc). This is the best acted show I have seen in a long time. I mean actualy acting. By kids, well not little kids but these people are younger than me. It has been climbing my charts all year. I loved it from the first episode and I was sure it was going to be bad before it came out. The story lines are great and there is enough characters that you can give them each their own story which I love. The cool thing about this show is that it never lets you down. Each episode is a perfect compliment to the one before it and the one it preceeds. It balances drama perfectly with comedy and it's undeniably good. I have watched it with many people who have never seen it (skeptics) and they always agree afterwards that it is a good show and really well acted. Acting and directing has become very important to me for some reason (when you aspire to be like Jerry Bruckheimer those things don't matter so much. j/k) and this show has it all. Often I try and think of how I would have had an actor approach something or a different camera angle or why the director chose certain things but not when I watch this show. It's very good.

Thats all for now. As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for teh stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
Hallelujah Hollaback
-M, p & z
oh ps - I will talk about some movies very soon. TMNT!! This weekend will be wild.
pps - I always format the pictures so that they show up on my computer without any text next to it, meaning i put a lot of spaces after pictures before my next line of text. On safari this works but does it show up on Internet Explorer as a big space after pics? I always wondered.
The pics look fine in Mozilla, but if you're really concerned, you can just put p in an HTML tag. As in, shift-, then p then shift-.(I can't actually write it because it'll think I'm inserting my own HTML tag). Just like b is for bold and i is for italics, I think p is for new paragraph.
How awkward was The Hills this week!?! I absolutely hate Spencer. He makes me so mad with all his manipulating hot Heidi.
I also totally agree about Gray's. I'm sort of over it. Izzy sleeping with George!?! please...
first off,
secondly, in reference to your last post, neko case has put out some good stuff lately; jenny lewis did that album with the watson twins last year; and frank black's latest offering, fast man raider man, is also quite tolerable.
oh, and that drunk dial i gave you on saturday? i totally assaulted that girl on the walk home. she play-kicked me in the ass and then i for-real shoved her into a ditch. she went flying, tripped over a rock and scraped the shit out of her knees. no joke. she was so impossibly pissed. it was like something out of a romantic dramedy someone like you would write.
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