Grocery shopping: 2 units. Showering: 1 unit. TV: 2 units. Procrastinating: 10 units... So classes are over and I have from now until May 1st to get all of my pre-production done for my thesis. I also need to work on 2 or 3 other thesis shoots before then, meaning I really only have about 4 weeks to get it all done. To some of you that may seem like a long time, but when you are producing your own film it takes forever. I could spend 3 or 4 more months on this to make sure every detail was perfect, but I don't have that long. I went home last week and I only got about 4 hours of work done on it which was slightly less than the 20 I had hoped for. The problem with not having classes is that I have no schedule. I can come and go as I please and sleep as early or as late as I want. I am going to have to get on Muki & Sameer's patented genius schedule soon, meaning I'll go to bed early and get up around 630. I am back on track now though, and am well on my way to being 10% done with my pre-production. My goal for the end of the week is to be 20% done. I'll keep you all posted on that. Anyone who cares to read my script can email me.
Speaking of going home, I am completely convinced that I prefer a life in Michigan to the City. I love living here right now, but as I assumed, I could never live here for more than a couple years. I remember making a list of pros and cons on this blog before I moved here and citing the only con (besides cost) of living in NYC was the lack of nature and that one con might overpower any pros it offers. I can't say for sure because I have yet to live here in the summer and experience all that is Central Park. Another thing I realized when I was at home was that I'm too old for the traditional St. Patty's day spectacular. It used to be that I would be up at 6 and be at the bar by 630 eating eggs and green beer. The thought of it makes me want to throw up, but it was a good time back then. Then you pass out around 4 or so for a little nap, wake up and start drinking again. This year I was going to go up to State early in the morning and do it big but instead I got up at 9, hung out with my mom, ate lunch and then went to State at 4. I was drunk by 9, stopped drinking around 1, was sober by 3 and went to sleep. I wasn't hung over in the morning, I didn't have the beer shits and I was fully functional for my flight back to NYC on sunday.
I'm not really sure when it happened exactly but sometime since I turned 24, I got too old to go on those fun undergrad benders. I don't like to drink much at all anymore, Saturday was actually the first time I was drunk in March and before that it must have been a little bit. I would put my foot down right now and say that I am not going to drink for a month but I am sure the minute I say it someone will call and say they are on a list for some bar in the village that is free open bar from 10 - 12. I will say that I am done drinking more than twice a month. Anyways this blog sucks so I'm just gonna stop writing. I figured it had been a while so I should write something.
As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
Hallelujah Hollaback
-M, p & z
oh ps - the title and first sentences of this are from About a Boy if you didn't recognize it. Also, if you listen to country I need to know some good songs to download, this no country stations in nyc is killing me. another thing I love about Michigan, I can't pay people in nyc to listen to country, but I was at a party on saturday when Garth Brooks comes on and not just me but everyone starts singing along. I love it.
I can call you when I wake up in the morning at 5:00am if you want. That would be 6:00am NYC time.
I agree about the St. Patty's binge. I am way too old for that shit. I was at the bar at 9am after the boys wouldn't let me shower. Drunk from 10-3. Then I napped and physically could not drink anymore. Dave and I watched the game and went to bed. The other boys were out from 9am to 5am. Gross!
I'll let you know if I need a wake up call but that might be helpful, maybe like at 630 instead though...
9-5? That's 20 hours of straight drinking. Ballers. The longest I went straight drinking was 14 hours during the Notre Dame game years ago...
Dude, don't procrastinate on that shit; it'll end up ruining your life.
Genius schedule rules, but it rules more when you have a roommate who puts on varied and awesome classical music most mornings as well. It's hard not to get things done when that happens. Oh, and much the same way Kris has taken to listening to the Rocky theme before working out I've started listening to Nas and Jay-Z's Black Republican on walks to the library. It pumps me up with the ferocity for some reason; you might want to try it.
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