So now that the weather is getting warmer I, like most people, venture outdoors a bit more in search of summer. I was wandering around the west side along the Hudson River the other day when I came across a small park that had grass cut as short as the fringe around a putting green; but it was real. So I took off my shoes and layed down on the grass for a while just reading and listening to some Jack johnson (he can make you feel like its summer faster than you can say hoola-hoop). After a couple hours, I assume shortly after school must have gotten out, a group of little kids showed up at the park to play soccer and they were having so much fun on the grass it was ridiculous. Their level of excitement reminded me of my ferrets when I let the in a new room, they run around and tackle eachother until the don't know what to do.
I felt so bad that these kids playgrounds at school is concrete and then I realized that I hadn't seen a soccer field, football field or any field with grass for that matter anywhere in the city. How awful these kids don't have grass to beat eachother up on, and sand to land on when they jump off at the top of their swing. No sliding in the mud when it rains, no making that annoying high pitched shreik from pulling a blade of grass taught between your fingers and blowing as hard as you can. Of course when these kids were on the grass it was like they knew what to do, that innate sense of freedom to fall. This one asian kid was falling all over the place (though he was by far the biggest flopper I have ever seen, I mean this kid would get the ball taken away from him then fall down and scream and say someone kicked his leg - I mean the kids little brother was getting annoyed). A little while later, two other kids came with a football in tote and that was like the showdown of the century. You would think they were fighting over the last piece of land in Manhattan. Of course there were more playing soccer so the football duo went to a corner of the park to toss their ball around. But how sad is that, there I was in a park smaller than my yard at home, and these kids don't even have enough room to play two sports at once.
I guess my point is that this city is for people over 21, without dogs (over a foot long), who don't have kids and who are not planning on ever having any here. Most of what I learned about life I learned on the playground. Not completely but you know what I mean. Anyways, as always get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
Hallelujah hollaback
-M, p & z
oh ps - movie reviews: Last weekend I saw three movies. You know how I feel about TMNT, but I also saw Reign Over Me and Shooter. Both were enjoyable. Reign Over Me is slow and methodical. Nothing really happens but the characters go through some pretty profound changes. There wasn't much of a soundtrack which was kind of lame and definitely made it seem longer. Not worth seeing in theatres but def worth a rental in a few months when it's on dvd. Shooter was different than I thought it would be. It wasn't the usual Mark Wahlberg action flick. It was much more plot oriented and had a Borne Identity feel to it. Some of the coolest sniping I have seen (besides me in Halo) but I enjoyed it. Not for everyone but if you liked the Bourne trilogy then you'll like this. Actually, I forgot the new Bourne hasn't come out yet but I can assume it will be exactly like the second one which was sadly the same exact movie as the first.
pps - in regards to the pic - the little asian kid on the right was my favorite, though the kid with the ball was hilarious because everytime it was his turn to be goalie he would run over to his mom and hang out and the other team would score