Another year come and gone. I was going to say not much happened but 2006 was a pretty eventful year. I graduated, moved to nyc and have already made 5 films. Granted graduating was more of an inevitability than an accomplishment, and those first 4 films sucked, but I have learned a lot or at least I hope I have. Life is pretty strange I guess, I won't feel like I am doing anything with my life until I am out of school. Everyone I hang out with, from people that were younger to those that are older, it seems are at the same position in life. People have degrees and masters and doctorates and are still trying to figure out what to do in life and are just passing time for the moment. I am excited for the day that I won't be wondering what I'm doing next year and instead just start living. Hopefully with a dog.
2007 is shaping up to be pretty warm which probably means the world is going to end soon. New Years was a blast, good food and good friends is about all one could ask for. I realize I haven't blogged in a while so I will try and remember everything that I have been meaning to blog about. First of all, I have to tell this story about this kid on my plane when I flew home. While in line to board the plane I noticed this family with a young boy and younger girl who looked like trouble. They were yelling at each other a lot and didn't seem to have control over the kids which is never good when travelling by plane. So of course they end up sitting on the other side of the aisle from me. All is going well for the first half hour or so but as soon as I had drifted off I awoke to some heightened excitement next to me. I look over and see this little 7 year old boy leaning all the way forward in his seat, looking behind him with a look of absolute terror. I mean you would have thought this kid saw a demon coming out from his seat. So I follow his gaze to his seat and see that he has had an ass explosion in his pants that went through his underwear and jeans and left brown ooze in his chair. Amazed at what happened I looked back at the kid who clearly wasn't done and mid-poop said, "I can't hold it!" I started cracking up and had to turn away so his parents didn't see me. Good times.
Christmas was low key, the highlight was the x-box 360 my brother and I got for ourselves. Gears of War really is one of the best first person shooter games I have ever played. The story is so lacking though that after we spent 3 days beating the game we realized we had no idea what it was about. Anyways, you shoot people and can saw them in half. Road trip with Muki Jordon Bill and Heidi back was fun. I will say this however, 5 people with small bladders makes a 9 hour trip almost 11 hours. Good times though, but damn Pennsylvania is a very looong state. New Years was good, a bunch of folks came up and we went to a bar and had copius amounts of alcohol. I don't understand a bar having a bathroon with only one stall though. I can't believe how much of my night was spent waiting in line. It got to a point where you went to get in line before you had to go because by the time you got to the front you really had to.
Having a lot of people hang out for four days straight is about the most fun you can have, the only problem is getting back to reality. I forgot how hard it was to sit and think about plot lines and ideas and characters and film, and now I am here procrastinating because I have a monstrous brain fart and can't think of some ideas for my final film which is shaping up to be pretty funny thus far. I abandoned all hope of making something serious, at least for now, I think I'll stick with comedy because that's about the only thing I can do well. Anyways, this was a pretty boring blog just catching you up on my life. So i'm gonna go now and try and get soe real work done. Hope everyone has a wonderful 2007.
As always, get your feet off the ground and keep reching for the stars. Go big or go home, Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
I'm out like 2006
-M, p & z
oh ps - I spend a lot of my time thinking and talking about poop and pooping so I thought I would reel off some names that I have come up with for the runs. There's the dirty water, the PBRuns, the butt faucet (my fave). Anyways there are a bunch more and much more poop things to talk about. but i'm done for now. ciao.
happy new year
1 comment:
I will only refer to the other two in this picture as Brother, and KB from now on due to the fact that they are going into professions where what I saw about them may influence other people as to their character. Also I will probably stop using any last names all together just to be safe.
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