I was going to start off by talking about everything happening in the sports world but my brother summed everything up in a comment on my last blog. To reiterate though... Tiger won. Again. 7 PGA events in a row. The reason I am not as stunned about it as everyone one else is because he doesn't consider it a legit streak since he lost a couple non PGA events on the way. It's still unbelieveable though. Federer is ridiculous. Between Tiger and Federrer, there is almost no doubt as to who is going to win on any given sunday. What I think the greatest current streak however, is the Phoenix Suns. 17 games in a row in the NBA is insane. Unimaginable. I don't believe it. Even when the Pistons won 13 in a row last year, it wasn't be margins like this. The suns are just blowing opponents away. Anyways, I'll get into it more on my Pistons blog.
So last week we were at this place we always go to (SoHo Park) for lunch when in walks Laird Hamilton. You may know him better as that surfer guy in the American Express commercials, or from Cribs, or as Gabrielle Reese's husband. So he and his daughter come in and the only open seats are at our table (it was a long picnic like table.) We didn't say anything to him but he seemed like a pretty nice guy and chatted up the people next to us. Anyways, he wasn't wearing a coat and I was very close to telling him that we weren't in Hawaii and he should put on some clothes.
I'm not sure if anyone watches The White Rapper Show on VH1 but it's pretty hilarious. It's a good reality show that combats lyrical abilities of white wannabe rappers. A couple of them are actually really good. There is this guy, John Brown, who I am pretty sure everyone in the world but me hates, but for me he makes the show. He is the self proclaimed King of the Burbs, and constantly rants about something called the Ghetto Revival. When asked by people like Grandmaster Flash and Brand Nubian, what exactly Ghetto Revival meant, all he managed to explain was that it was a revival of the ghetto. Watch the show and you'll understand.
I decided with all the excitement in the sports world that I would have a little tournament of my own. I decided to make a bracket of people representing the 4 cities I have lived in to compete in a head to head competition. I choose 3 people from the city, and then a local legend. There is no seeding and opponents will be randomly selected by dropping a golf tee. The competition will be based on things I make up and weighing people's strengths and weaknesses. ESPN's page 2 often does these things and they always end up being pretty funny. I may leave it up to you people to see who wins so we'll see how that goes. The brackets are as follows:
PoHo: Sameer P., Muki, Kiran V., Thomas Edison
Lansing: Bobby D., Bill E., Shawn M., Magic Johnson
Ann Arbor: Kris B., Dax P.D., Kelsey G., Lucy Liu
NYC: Brian M., Divya M., Phil A., Jerry Seinfeld
That's all for now but look for round 1 of the tournament later this week. As always, get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
Hallelujah Hollaback
-M, p & z
oh ps - If you're in lansing go see jordon's new play that opens tomorrow, break a leg. Go download the sing Grace Kelly by MIKA, it's pretty awesome. It reminds me of queen.
Happy birthday kelsey.
pps - katharine macphee got sexified.

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