The Triumvirate...
One of the most daunting things associated with making anything that you have to show people, is that you have to show people your work. You spend weeks thinking about something and working on it and trying to make it as best you can, but no matter how good you think it is, everyone else might think it sucks. It used to be, for our first few projects, that we would screen them for our class and directing teacher and everyone would mention what was working in the film and what was not. It was very simple and friendly, nothing to get anxious about at all. Now things have changed a little. Now that we have added sound to our repertoire, we have also added an acting class along with the best teacher I have had in a long time. Our acting teacher is amazing. It's insane how much I learn from her, partly becaue I have never had an acting class before, but also because she is just that good at understanding people ad what will help them improve.
The last project we did was our first foray into sound. Our class was given a one page script and we split up into 3 groups with three different directors. As a director we were told to come up with a backstory for the characters and a setting for the film, and also we could turn the script into whatever genre we wanted. I learned more about directing last week than I did my first two months here. It was an ass ton of work and I can't even begin to think of how many things you have to think about when you are directing, but it was awesome. Anyways, when we screened them I found out that it was no longer going to be the happy happy joy joy screenings of yore. The first director got up and showed his project, while standing in the back of the room by the projector, and waited as our acting and directing teacher and class bent him over and tore him a new one. Now, thankfully, I didn't get anything as bad as "Poor composition and emotionally vacant." That may be the worst thing ever to hear; I mean not only was his project aesthetically bad but he didn't direct his actors very well. That's pretty much the only two things a director need to be concerned about. Anyways, I got some good advice on how to help get what I want out of the actors and I thought it was very helpful.
Last week we got these scripts in class that are around 8 lines. Like the last project, there is no context, just characters a and b having a little chat. I thought it might be fun to post the dialogue here and see what people come up with. I have already come up with my idea and shot list and everything and I am shooting tomorrow (monday) but I would be interested to see what other people would have done. Just read the dialogue and let me know what you pictured in your head as far as where the conversation is taking place, whether is a comedy or drama or whatever. I will post my idea along with the film later this week and see if it's anything at all like what you had in mind. It is as follows:
A: It's been a long time
B: Yeah
A: I never expected to see you here
B: You got a cigarette?
A: Some things never change
B: You look pretty good, considering
A: Flattery
B: There you go
Anyways, let me know your ideas on how you picture this scene. Moving on.. I used to hate Lucy Liu with a passion. I never liked anything she did and I never thought she was a particularly good actress. The I saw Kill Bill and she changed my mind, I was indifferent about her. Last night, however, I finally watched Lucky # Slevin and I fell in love. She is bomb. I love her. When did she become so awesome and hot to boot. I am sure that it has something to do with the fact that the movie was amazingly awesome, but she also made her role what it was. The movie was so good, and she and Josh Hartnett, were so good that I even mentioned the film in the same breath as True Romance, which as we all know is one of the best movies ever. Anyways, I just wanted to let everyone know that I love Lucy Liu.
As always, get your feet off the ground and keep reaching for the stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem bitches.
Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
I'm out
-M, p & z
oh ps - I can't even begin to tell how how happy I am about the democrats taking back power. On the front page of some newspaper her in the city it had a picture of Britney on the cover saying, "Britney Dumps Federline," then below that and much smaller it said, "Dems take House." Silly world, eh?