A New Beginning...
First of all, even though I don't want to, I reckon I ought to at least mention the Pistons. Disgrace is about the only thing I can think of. The worst case scenario ending to a magical run over the last 4 years. Not sure what is going to happen this off-season or who will be back but whatever happens we better come back with some hunger and heart.
On to better topics. I am currently blogging on my brand new, super fast, wildly amazing, still getting used to - Macbook. This computer is fantastic. I am still getting used to many things that are different after a lifetime of PCs. For example the mouse only has one button, so how do I 'right click.' I don't know how to copy and paste, I think you have to use smart keys for those things, there is a lot more double-clicking on here, not to mention that instead of saving things to the desktop you can just drag them there. I believe you could do this as well on a PC but I don't remember ever really using the feature. This computer can also run windows though I have no reason to. As long as OS-X doesn't suck donkey balls like Windows did then I am ok. My old laptop was a POS, whereas this laptop is perfect. I remember when I was in 7th grade this kid made some speech for something or another about Macs and all I remember is the last line, "Welcome to my life; Welcom to Macintosh." I suppose they used to be much inferior, hence the sadness and resignation in his voice while ending his speech. Anyways I really needed it because my old comp was so bad and it always turned off on my anytime I tried to do anything and it got to a point the other day where I tried to check the weather and it shut off twice. I also got this because Macs are the bomb diggity when it comes to things like making movies and music which is what I'll be doing for the rest of my life (hopefully).
Some other things that are different is that there is no start menu, there is instead a bar at the bottom with all the programs one would use on a normal basis and they only take aboiut 2 seconds to load. Even after you close a program it is still open until you go up to the top and go to file, quit. Anyways everything we had to learn in Computer class in 6th grade is slowly comin back to me. I also like that the Mac sound is still the same when you turn your computer on that it was 15 years ago.
I guess that's all for now. I'll let you all know how my life with a Mac is going and what my summer plans are and whatnot very soon. I just wanted to try typing with this to get a feel for the keyboard and I like it for the mostpart but sometimes I think you really gotta push the keys down or it doesn't register. As always, get your feet off the ground and keep reaching for the stars. Go big or go home. Carpe diem bitches.
I'm out
-Marty, P and Z
Oh ps - if you know how to cut and paste on a mac please tell me. Nevermind, while trying to find out how to change the font size I figured out how to cut and paste, however, if you know how to change the font please tell me.
Cut in Paste in Mac OS is just hold the Apple key (1 or 2 keys to the left of the space bar) and 'C', 'X' or 'V' for copy, cut or paste.
where do you want to chang the font size? on blogger? if on blogger, you have to use html, unfortunately.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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