Peach was an amazing ferret. Where Zelda seemed to typify ferret behavior - crazy, hyper, hilarious and rebellious - Peach seemed to have been destined to be a cat. She liked sitting in laps, having her belly rubbed, eating, sleeping and had a general urge to lounge. Unlike Zelda, who surged around with reckless abandon, Peach always seemed to analyze the situation and if it took too much effort she would either move on to something else or - my favorite - lay down in the middle of the floor spread out like Superman determined to get as much relaxing in as she could before she went to sleep.
Her best characteristic by far was how much she loved her sister. She would always look after Zelda no matter what. She always kept an eye on her and protected her - always sleeping on top of her, using her bigger body to keep Zelda's Mary-Kate physique warm. They were from the same litter so I can't be sure who came out first, but I'm convinced it was Peach. One time Zelda got into a drain hole in a basement and when I came downstairs to check on them, Peach was standing vigilant outside the hole staring down chirping and all I could think of was how on earth we were going to get her out without a jackhammer so I grabbed Zelda's squeaker that she always came to and when she finally came out, covered in mud, Peach bounced up to her, smelled her, and started cleaning her off.
She was never the same after Zelda died and I know she was depressed about losing her. Not to get too deep, but I'm a pretty religious person and while I'm not sure what happens when we die, I am confident that they are finally hanging out together. It sounds ridiculous but I guess that's what faith is. I love her and I miss her and the world is much lamer without the two of them in it.
As always, go big or go home. Carpe diem.
-M, p, z & shredder
Euro stories to come soon.
1 comment:
Much love to Peach and her sister Zelda. --Sylvia
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