Thursday, April 10, 2008

Olympic Torch...

Is it just me or does anyone else find the protests to the Olympic Torch running slightly hilarious. Don't get me wrong I'm going to boycott (except for Team USA Basketball (I've waited too long to not watch)) but I find the attempts to protest are hilarious. I am down with the protests and am down with people marching and holding banners and blocking roads but for real, people are going crazy. Literally climbing up the wall, or the bridge.

The funniest one by far was in Paris when that guy tried to grab the torch from that chick. It was so innocuous I couldn't believe what a hoopla they made out of it. Some dude ran up and tried to grab it and then like 3000 dudes pounced on him. The funny part was that he didn't seem to have a game plan. Like he got up to it and grabbed it and then wasn't sure what to do if he actually got it away from her.

Anyway there's this scene in Zoolander when everyone is at a red carpet and some anti child labor people or something show up (I think it was Ben Stiller's mom) and throw an egg at Mugatu. Someone screams, "look out she's got an egg!!" and then everyone screams. It was hilarious and this reminded me of that scene. Kind of crazy.

Anyways, I'll try and get back to blogging more. I'm kind of busy and bored at the same time if that makes sense. As always, go big and stuff.

-M, p, z & shredder

oh ps - the weather is finally getting nice and I'm looking to do something fun in the summer that I've never done before. I am mad I didn't start snowboarding until it was too late so if there's anything cool that people do in the spring/summer that is different but fun, let me know.

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