Thursday, June 02, 2011

When it Rains...

First off, yesterday was my folks 36th anniversary. Damn dude! For realz?! That's a long time. I will say that my dad couldn't function without my mom and my mom's head would literally explode if she couldn't nag my dad.

Now let's talk about me. So that interview on Tuesday went well. I'm going back in tomorrow. To meet more people. Last Thursday I met 6 people who work there. Then Tuesday met another. Then tomorrow I'm gonna meet around 10 people. This field is awesome because of two things: one) I can/will drink/play games while I work and two) it's all about hanging out with people and making friends and if there's a few things I'm good at it's drinking, playing, hanging out and making friends.

As if I wasn't happy enough about this interview, I've got another one next week and to complicate things a little, I was offered an internship this morning that starts Monday and I need to decide on by tomorrow afternoon. pours.

I'll let you know how it goes but til then, keep your ears to the grindstone for me. Go big.

-M, p, z & shredder

1 comment:

Brown Guy said...

Now THAT's what's up.