Though Clinton clearly can't win now that Obama has enough delegates, she still won't drop out. I'm not sure what kind of sense, if any, that makes but I'm going to try and figure out her line of reasoning. Either she has actually deluded herself into thinking that she won the popular vote (she didn't), she thinks that her being white will even everything out in the end (it won't (I hope)), she believes that staying in somehow gives a voice to all the people who voted for her. The logic in all of these reasons is flawed but it seems to be the last one that she is sticking to as her story.
First of all, just because she is still fighting doesn't mean that she's making the "18 million people who voted for her" have a voice, it means she's more stubborn that I am which is a difficult feat. It's an election. That's what happens. People lose. Even, in the case of Gore in 2000, the majority on occasion. She didn't win the majority, she has no chance of winning the nomination and yet somehow she thinks she should stay in. What about the millions who voted for Edwards in the primaries in 04? What about the millions who voted for Kerry in 04? should everyone who runs get to be president? Is that what she's implying? Obviously not really, but if you break it down that's pretty much what it boils down to. It's kind of insane.
Anyways, enough about that. Just had to mention something because she's kind of driving me crazy. Here's the newest trailer for that lovable Wall-E. If you don't start to laugh at about 1:20 into it, you don't have a heart.
As always, go big....
-M, p, z & shredder
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