So this guy came to replace my windshield on my car. I'm not sure how far away he came from but the area code for the glass place was 734 I think, which puts him at least 60 miles away. It could be that he works over here in the 810 but who knows. My insurance pays for it and calls them to come out and take care of it so I figured I didn't need to, so I didn't. But then my mom asked me if I tipped him and it got me thinking that I should have. I usually only tip in restaurants or for valets but beyond that I'm clueless when to tip. Do you tip delivery men besides pizza guys? What about furniture guys? I always offer a glass of water but some people tip them. Is it a faut pas if you don't tip them. The guy who replaced my windshield was a nice guy, I have tipped waitresses for less and this guy is coming to me and I'm not even paying him. I think I should have tipped him. Hopefully he doesn't hate me.
A lot of people are talking about the new Bourne movie like it's the greatest movie ever. People can't stop raving about it. Well I don't see what all the hoopla is about. The movie sucked. It was probably one of the biggest dissapointments of the summer. I don't understand what people see in it. The plot is the exact same as the first two, the way it unfolds is the exact same and it obviously has the exact same characters. The only thing different is the action; it was much much worse. One of the reasons Americans suck so bad is because as a public people think Two and a Half Men is funny (it's been the highest rated comedy for like 4 years now or something) and that movies like The Bourne Ultimatum are good 'action' movies. There was no action in it at all. I just took a poll on aol where 70 percent of people thought it was the best action movie of the summer. Of those 70 percent of people, I can only assume that they are not action fans and they have never seen a martial arts movie in their lives. There was no action at all in the movie, or at least none they showed. The Bourne movies have this way of taking all the action and putting it so close to the camera and then shaking the camera around like the camera operator is having a seizure, and then calling that action. I can't recall them showing a single punch in that movie. Don't get me wrong the first one was awesome. But the second lacked and this third one is the worst. It's a bad movie. If you haven't seen it, save your money and go see Superbad again.

Another dissapointing movie was War. I have been looking forward to this all year. Jet Li and Jason Statham finally team up, are you kidding me? Two bad asses who make real action movies (not that Statham is particlarly talented but his movies are fun to watch as far as action flicks go) team up in one movie. The movie sucked, it was completely plot driven with only about 15 minutes of action in the whole thing. No one got espescially raw in it after the first 15 minutes. The only cool thing was the plot twist that I never saw coming near the end. Don't see it.
To my blogging faithful I am going to have a special segment next week in which I really need your help in choosing my next apartment. I will be posting pictures with pros and cons of each place and will be making a decision within the next couple weeks. This is espescially important because not only am I moving to a new apartment, I'm moving to a new state. That's right, I'm westward bound. I'll be moving to LA at the end of next month and I need anyone's help who's lived there or been there recently. I haven't been there since I was 16 and I don't remember it all too well. I'll keep everyone posted.
As always get your feet off the ground and reach for the stars. Go big or go home. Pain heals, chicks dig scars and glory lasts forever. Carpe diem. Your heart is free, have the courage to follow it.
Life's short, live large. Chigga chigga yeah
-M, p & z
oh ps - i'll do a summer movie recap soon. Also I'll be driving to LA from michigan at the end of sept so if anyone wants to tag along let me know. I won't be coming back but one way tickets are only like 100 bucks so if you feel like road trippin let me know.